Partnering with Defense and Intelligence Agencies: Campus perspectives

Partnering with Defense and Intelligence Agencies: Campus perspectives

UW-Madison contributes to advances in intelligence, security, and national defense through research, education, and technology commercialization. Opportunities are available for faculty, staff and students in areas as diverse as biomedicine, computer science, information technology, social sciences, languages/cultures, engineering, and more.

Join a diverse group of campus leaders with extensive experience in partnering across a range of agencies to get a broad overview of current and anticipated opportunities on campus including research funding, fellowships, careers, and startups. Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and WSRC President, provides opening remarks.


  • Kristin Eschenfelder (Moderator) — Academic Associate Dean, College of Letters & Science; Associate Director, School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences
  • Lonnie Berger — Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Social Sciences, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education; Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
  • Bart Miller — Amar & Belinder Sohi Professor in Computer Sciences; Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
  • Cathy Rasmussen — Assistant Director, Forward BIO Institute
  • Dave Schroeder — Research Director, Wisconsin Security Research Consortium; National Security Research Strategist, School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences
  • Idella Yamben — Director, Center for Technology Commercialization

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